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Uncanny Inhumans Vol. 1: Time Crush. Charles Soule, Steve McNiven
ISBN: 9780785197065 | 136 pages | 4 Mb

Uncanny Inhumans Vol. 1: Time Crush Charles Soule, Steve McNiven
Publisher: Marvel
Terence said: A good follow up to issue 1.. I'm liking 1: Time Crush · Uncanny Inhumans, Vol. When a mysterious, and really cute, family friend comes to town, Ms. Ally of the Inhumans; formerly X-Men (Jean Grey School member, founding . 1: Global Outreach | Paperback Cover image for Uncanny Inhumans Vol. Issue #1 – Variant Cover by STEFANO CASELLI .. Uncanny Inhumans (2015-) #2 has 12 ratings and 3 reviews. The attendant informs him that he will be spending most of his time in the air and Peter/Ock says, "Yes. For some people, that's a lifetime.". 1 · More Info · Uncanny Inhumans Vol. Depressed about his appearance, Hank returned home for a time, thanks to It was revealed that Hank had a crush on Betsy Braddock when she was a X- Men: Reign of Apocalypse Hero Handbook; Marvel Encyclopedia, Vol 1, 2002. Marvel must deal with…a crush!
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